Top 10 Mistakes Creating Space Planning In Home Design

Hosea Tine


Are you ready to create an amazing space that fits your needs and is beautiful as well? If so, check out these tips:

Not determining your purpose

When you’re planning to create a space, it’s important to determine what the purpose of that space will be.

  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • What are the goals of this particular room or area?
  • Why do you want to create this space in your home, apartment or office building?

Not knowing your audience

  • Defining the audience.
  • Consideration of age and gender.
  • Cultural background.
  • Interests and hobbies.
  • Family size (if you’re designing for a family).

If you’re not sure who your audience is, take some time to think about it. When you know who will be using your space, you can better design for their needs–and that makes for a happier home!

Overlooking the importance of lighting

Lighting is an essential element of home decor, but it’s often overlooked. Lighting can set the mood for a space, make it feel bigger and more spacious, highlight certain features of a room or even make it feel welcoming.

If you’re planning to create your own design concept with lighting in mind here are some tips:

  • Use recessed lights instead of overhead fixtures to bring focus on art pieces or other focal points in your home
  • Avoid placing lamps directly on furniture so they don’t block views through windows (this will help make rooms appear larger)

Failing to plan for growth

It’s important to plan for the future. If you’re single and live alone, this isn’t much of a concern for you. However, if you have a family or any other kind of need that could change in the future (e.g., having children), it’s crucial that you make sure there is enough space in your home for those needs as well.

You should also consider what happens when people get older; most people don’t want to be stuck in their homes when they’re unable to take care of themselves anymore due to illness or injury. If this is something that concerns or worries you, then be sure not only take into account how much space would be necessary but also where those spaces should ideally be located within the house so they can easily get around without assistance once needed help arises later on down road.”

Not paying attention to flow

Flow is the most important thing in home design. You can have a beautiful space, but if it’s not functional and flows smoothly, you’ll never be able to enjoy it as much.

The best way to plan for flow is by thinking about how people move through a room or space. You want to make sure that your furniture arrangement allows people to easily move from one area of the room over another without bumping into anything or getting stuck behind an object that blocks their path. If someone needs help moving something heavy across your living room floor, they shouldn’t have difficulty doing so because there aren’t any tables or chairs blocking their way!

Ignoring practicality.

Practicality is a very important part of the home design process. It’s not enough to just create something beautiful; you have to make sure that it can be used, maintained, and enjoyed by everyone in your family.

What does practicality mean?

  • Will it fit into your space? If you have an oddly shaped room or large windows that don’t allow for much flexibility in furniture placement, it’s going to be difficult (if not impossible) for you to achieve the look that you want without making some compromises with respect to size and shape.
  • How much will it cost? Some materials are more expensive than others–and if money is tight then this could limit what choices are available for adding finishing touches like paint colors or flooring materials. Plus there may be other costs associated with remodeling as well (like installation fees).
  • Will everyone like using this space? In addition to being comfortable using whatever new feature has been added onto their house (such as a fireplace), family members might also need time getting used to having strangers come over while they’re working on their designs!

Ignoring color.

The color of your walls, floors and furnishings can have a huge impact on how your home feels. It’s one of the first things people notice when they walk into a room, so it’s important to consider how you want each space to feel before making any decisions about what colors are going on your walls.

Color is often thought of as purely decorative–something to brighten up a room or make it feel more interesting–but its effects go far beyond mere aesthetics: it can also change how large or small we perceive a space to be; whether we see it as formal or informal; even if we think of modernity or tradition when entering! You may think this sounds complicated (and maybe even unnecessary), but trust me when I say that understanding these principles will improve your design decisions in ways you never imagined possible.

Planning with current trends in mind.

One of the most common mistakes home owners make when planning their space is trying to plan with current trends in mind. Trends change, but some are timeless. For example, if you live in an area where rustic design is popular right now, it’s important to know what that means for your specific home and space. Does it mean having a lot of wood? Or does it mean mixing metals together?

If you don’t know what the current trend looks like in your area or how to incorporate it into your design style (or both), then this could cause major problems later on down the line when people see how out-of-date their home looks compared to others around them!

By thinking about these things, you can create a space that fits your needs and is beautiful as well.

Before you start, it’s important to think about what you want from your space. Do you want a room that can be used for multiple purposes? If so, how will it be used and what kind of furniture do you need?

Next, think about who will be using the space. If there are children in the house or if there are adults who have different needs than others (for example, an office), then those considerations should be taken into account when planning out their areas.

Finally, keep in mind that even though this process is fun and exciting–and can feel like playtime at times–it still has to work efficiently! Your goal should always be creating something beautiful while also making sure everything functions properly so everyone gets what they need out of their new spaces


With these tips in mind, you can create a space that fits your needs and is beautiful as well.

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